Germanicus Publishing
Audio Germanicus
Podcast: Shoot the Stuff

Podcast: Shoot the Stuff

Episode Four of Audio Germanicus

Welcome to Audio Germanicus, the podcast edition feature of Germanicus Publishing. In this episode, I have a proper podcast as I talk about my plans for this Substack and other works of mine moving forward.

As the title of this episode suggests, I’ll be rambling on a lot of things. And before anyone points out, yes I know the family-friendly term is actually “shoot the breeze”, but by the time I realize it, I already made the recording. Oh well, shrugs. Here’s the episode outline:

0:00 - Introduction

2:10 - My History with Making Verbal Content

  • 2:13 - Shout-out to

    for our Zoom talks which set me on this path. Watch them on YouTube.

  • 2:30 - And one to

    and the crew for bringing me on to the Meet the Maniac podcast.

  • 2:40 - From phone to mic.

  • 2:58 - Voicing The First Story and others. Asking for advice.

3:40 - Overhauling Germanicus Publishing

  • 3:50 - More paid content.

  • 4:00 - Writers are scared to charge for their stuff?

  • 4:20 - Shout-out to

    . Undervaluing one’s own work.

  • 4:35 - People have the right to be compensated for their labor

  • 4:50 - My rant on BS jobs.

  • 5:35 - Shout-out to

    for his words of wisdom. Here’s the article in question.

  • 6:00 - Changing my approach.

6:38 - My Plans

13:54 - Conclusion

  • 14:00 - Words of wisdom from my dad.

  • 14:55 - People feel like they are not needed.

  • 16:03 - Just do it!

  • 16:10 - Some sports metaphors.

  • 17:50 - Just get the work out there. No fear.

  • 18:15 - The End.


-Michael P. Marpaung

Before you go…

It takes both labor and money for me to make this episode. That’s why I appreciate every bit of support which can done through the following ways:

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Audio Germanicus
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Michael P. Marpaung