Index of Microfiction (#51-75)
A collection of microfiction stories that I've posted all around Substack. This one contains story number 51 through 75.
UPDATE (August 15, 2024): Adding the previous indexes for the sake of convenience:
UPDATE #2 (February 18, 2025): I’ve finally put out story #75, which means that this index is finally retired. It’s about time, lol. As you may have noticed, the frequency of these stories was getting rarer and rarer. And that’s because I decided that I’m better off focusing on longer stories. These microfiction exercises, while fun have served its purpose. That said, if I decided to go back into it, I will most certainly create a new index.
Author’s note: This is my third Index of Microfiction. As I post more microfiction, this list will continue to grow.
The Index:
A New Face of Justice
[Originally posted on Notes, August 18, 2023] [100 words]
They call me ‘The Face of Justice’. My duty is to catch criminals who are evading their punishment and, if necessary, kill them.
But I’m getting old. I’m not as sharp as I used to be. It’s only a matter of time before I screw up and my mission turns fatal.
This is why I have been preparing. My son is growing up, just hitting his teenage years. I’ve been training him to be my successor. He’s not ready yet, though he is making good progress.
It’s only a matter of time before there is a new face of justice.
Don’t Open That Door
[Originally posted on Notes, August 21, 2023] [100 words]
Don’t open the door.
At least that’s what those superstitious rubes told me. They said that the hut was haunted by a vengeful spirit. Something about a pregnant wife murdered by her adulterous husband. Hah! No freaking way! That’s simply unscientific. But I suppose I should expect nothing less from these low-IQ [redacted].
With science, I will prove to them that there is nothing to be afraid of behind this door.
Dis one is wrote by Jake. We try to warn dat guy but he wuldn’t listen. Its been a whole week now. He never return.
I warned him.
The Bronze Age
[Originally posted on Notes, August 23, 2023] [100 words]
Yup. That’s me, lying on my deathbed. I know. I know. I looked so pathetic right now.
My daughter was with me, though not her husband. Always a busy one, that guy. Just like me.
My son wasn’t here either. He didn’t bother. I’m certain that he hated me. Why shouldn’t he? I’ve always favored his sister. Probably because she was more like me. Like his mother, my son didn’t care about my life’s work. He was more into sports, had no interest in archeology.
I had spent so much time in the Bronze Age, more so than the present.
The Next Job
[Originally posted on Notes, August 28, 2023] [100 words]
Yup, that’s me. I know, I look so frustrated right now. You’d be too if you’re in my situation.
I’m just some ordinary G-man, minding my own business when my boss decided to send me to inspect some oil rig. There were reports of some folks doing some strange ritual. We even got video evidence:
They are all dressed in black. Furthermore, they’re all covered by black goop. Then, they’re all chanting in some sort of ancient language. It’s not Latin, nor Greek, nor Hebrew. Don’t ask, I’m no linguist.
Afterwards? That’s classified. Not for kids.
Well, wish me luck!
The Serpents’ Wisdom
[Originally posted on Erica Drayon Writes, September 1, 2023] [100 words]
I saw them, Buck,” Ross said.
“Saw what?”
“The snakes. The serpents. They told me a lot of things. They are enlightening stuff. Very… enlightening.”
“Slow down, Ross,” Buck said. “It’s the pharmakeia fucking with your brain.”
“I don’t think so,” replied Ross. “I’ve been stuck for so long. I’ve wondered how we can make something that’ll go faster-than-light. Something that would honestly break the laws of fucking physics. But these serpents told me the answer. I would never have seen it were it not for them, Buck. They only asked me one thing in return.”
“Your life, Buck.”
Against the Great Basilisk
[Originally posted on Notes, September 8, 2023] [100 words]
Sir John entered into the huge cave. This was said to be the home of the great basilisk, a known maneater.
But he was not afraid. In fact, fear would be fatal here.
Soon, he was face-to-face with the giant reptile. The knight steeled himself, sword drawn. The lizard spouted its fire, but the knight was able to dodge to the side. With great speed, he lunged into the dragon and sliced.
The dying dragon soon dissipated until nothing remained.
But Sir John knew the job was not finished. He took out his last weapon, a vial of holy water.
The Pharmakeia Cult
[Originally posted on Notes, September 16, 2023] [100 words]
Our pursuit of the Pharmakeia Cult continues on. We follow the trails of blood they left behind, yet we are no closer to finding their true location.
At first, we thought they were nothing more than a myth. But in retrospect, their handiwork was there for us to see from the very beginning. Then again, one or two missing children were just a blip on the radar.
Eventually, we got one too many reports of missing children. By the time we realized what was going on, it was too late. No matter what, we were always one step behind them.
My Nonexistent Girlfriend
[Originally posted on Notes, September 23, 2023] [100 words]
I pointed my gun forward, sweat pouring down my neck. The demonic creature writhed in pain as it was dissolving into a pool of blood.
“Good job, honey. Woo!” the girl next to me said. She raised her hand, beckoning me for a high-five.
I refused.
“Way to leave your girlfriend hanging,” she said, pouting. “Jerk!”
“My nonexistent girlfriend.”
“Still on that, huh?” She shook her head. “How can I convince you that I’m not just a figment of your imagination?”
“I’m only the reason you’ve been able to survive this hellscape. Whatever. More of them! On your six.”
At the DMZ
[Originally posted on Notes, October 21, 2023] [100 words]
Patrol duty at the DMZ was always boring, but Bill knew better than to doze off. The Rurikans could easily attack from the West. Should that happen, he would be the first Essien to know about it.
The soldier took out his book, The History of the Great War. It was a thick book. The book detailed the centuries-long war between the Republic of Rurik and the Essien Empire. Bill was now halfway through the book: stories of heroes, battles, and romance; but also, brutality.
No one wanted a repeat of the Great War. Still, Bill couldn’t help but dream.
The Van at the End of the World
[Originally posted on Erica Drayton Writes, November 24, 2023] [50 + 50 words]
[A 100 Word Story Collaboration with Erica Drayton] [Title mine]
[100 Word Story Community Collaboration Winner]
[Erica’s 50 words]
“Are you sure this is the way? We’re, quite literally, in the middle of nowhere?” she said, gripping the steering wheel of their camper van.
“Would you say we’ve reached the end of the world?”
“You’d have to be blind not to think so!”
He smiled. “We’re almost there then.”
[My 50 words]
She looked to him. “Now what?”
“Floor it.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded.
Ever obedient, she did as was told.
The van picked up speed, then crashed through the invisible wall. Both unharmed, they marveled at the breathtaking view.
“The clouds.” She gasped. “Professor!”
“Yes,” he said. “We found Hyperborea.”
Spare Change
[Originally posted on Notes, December 9, 2023] [100 words]
“Spare change. Spare change, kind sir.”
“Here you go.”
“Thank you. God bless you.”
Afterwards, I watched that kind young man walking away. I could hear his friend telling him that I was just going to use that money on beer. A fair point, for I was not the man I had presented myself as.
My name is Hyksos, the Grand Prince of the Rygel Systems. Here on Earth, I had been collecting money to retake my kingdom from the Grand Vizier who had usurped my throne. I tried to be upfront once, but they thought I was from Nigeria.
Wasting Away
[Originally posted on Notes, February 12, 2024] [100 words]
I can only watch in horror as my body wastes away.
Not just the elements, but the animals seek to strip me bare.
First, the wild dogs fight over me. Then, the ravens pick off what’s left of my flesh. The bones… they remain for some time. But not for long. Soon, there is nothing left of my body. Nothing that can be seen with the naked eye, at any rate.
I realize what the Almighty is trying to show me in the purgation of my soul. I was a fool; beauty is fleeting and to dust I have returned.
Grandpa’s Chair
[Originally posted on Notes, February 16, 2024] [100 words]
I broke grandpa’s chair. I leaned too hard, and the whole back collapsed. Tragic. Grandpa built it a long time ago. Mama sat on this chair when papa proposed to her. Uncle Dan wrote his first novel with his butt on this seat. Lost count the games I’ve beaten sitting on this family heirloom.
No problem, just had to fix it. Wouldn’t be the first time this happened.
We dropped it when we moved, broke the legs. There was also the time my brother, just a baby then, pooped on the seat. And let’s not get started on the stretcher.
Rantings of an Initiate
[Originally posted on Notes, February 20, 2024] [150 words]
My wife Ellie was the first to discover my designs, so I got rid of her with a kitchen knife. Next was my brother; I shot him. Ditto my dad. Eventually the police got involved and here I am.
What? You want me to start from the beginning? Fine.
When humanity discovered the Great Ruins of Antarctica, it was high time for our ascension. The CIA got there first, which meant I was there to study it before anyone else. I remember the dizziness and nausea when we first entered those stony structures. Those were the Great Old Ones, initiating us. Everyone died once we got back home, except for me. I was the sole survivor. My mission is clear: to bring upon the reign of the Old Ones upon this bankrupt, decrepit world.
I know you think I’m crazy. Well, I’m not! You’re the crazy ones! Especially you, Ellie!
They’ll be Here Any Minute
[Originally posted on Notes, March 2, 2024] [150 words]
“Dare I ask, what are you doing here?”
“Don’t mind me, just waiting for my son.”
“Little Lloyd?”
“He’s not little anymore, but yes. He’ll be here any minute now.”
“I see. I’m waiting for my daughter. She’ll be here any minute now.”
“The very same. I believe she’s about your son’s age.”
“Just about, yep.”
“You know, this reminds me of the time we were waiting for our parents.”
“In New York? Yeah, then we disappeared into Times Square for hours. Man did we piss off our folks.”
“Good times.”
“Where did it all go wrong, brother?”
“It went wrong when you insulted my wife, called her a… something, really terrible.”
“What?! No, I didn’t!”
“You were drunk.”
“As I remember it, you had one too many bottle and said something really heinous about my wife.”
“No, I didn’t!”
Monologue of an Old Bridge
[Originally posted on Notes, March 15, 2024] [150 words]
Welcome, traveler. I would give you my name, but I have so many of them. I am sure the name my creators gave to me would have no meaning for you. After all, they have been gone for millennia now. I witnessed the battle that was to be the beginning of their end. Their conquerors gave me a new name, but soon they disappeared into history also. Though theirs was a self-inflicted wound. Once again, my new masters gave me a new name. At least this time the name had more resemblance to the old one. And once again, my masters disappeared, only to be replaced by a new one. A new name. Also, a new look. When I was first created, I was wood. At some point, I became stone, then iron, then steel, and finally my current form: solid light. So do not be afraid, traveler. Walk on.
World War III
[Originally posted on Erica Drayton Writes, July 13, 2024] [50 words]
World War III lasted for two hours, thanks to me. When both sides activated their nukes, I activated a bug we planted in the system. The missiles refused to operate, to the consternation of the American generals. My friend in China did the same thing. We were saved, for now.
My Guardian Angel
[Originally posted on Erica Drayton Writes, July 13, 2024] [50 words]
My Guardian Angel perhaps has the most difficult job ever, at least as far as people still alive are concerned. I never care for my health: eating McDonald’s, smoking cigars, and drinking beer like crazy. I'm also a total speed demon. And let us not get into my spiritual life.
The End
[Originally posted on Instagram1, June 28, 2023] [10 words]
The Earth shook, the skies burned. The End of History.
Yet Another Rescue
[Originally posted on NightCafe2, August 15, 2024] [150 words]
“Lady Mina! Time to wake up, sleeping beauty.”
“... Huh? Lord Wilton! I... ow, my head. I thought I was done for. I am truly in your debt.”
“Something wrong?”
“Well... this is the twenty-seventh time that I came to your rescue. For a warrior maiden, you sure know how to play the damsel-in-distress.”
“What are you implying?”
“Nothing. Though I’m starting to think you’re enjoying this.”
“That’s... beside the point. And for the record, this is only the twenty-sixth time you came to my rescue. Now please help me up.”
“As you wish.”
“Now, where is my sword.... Ah!”
“Once again, I am in your debt.”
“What a surprise. You just tripped over your own sword.”
“And you know what else? If I hadn’t caught you, you would have taken another nap on the battlefield. So this is the twenty-seventh time I’ve rescued you.”
“S-shut up!”
[Originally posted on Notes, August 16, 2024] [100 words]
As soon as I landed on Bali, I felt something was off. Was it the idol that greeted me at the airport? I’ll be honest, that thing terrified me. Maybe it was all the others that dotted the streets of this island. Of course, they are things made by human hands. They have no power. I accept that. Even so, I felt something weird, something on a spiritual level. Or maybe that was just my traveler’s diarrhea; even so, that I got that from KFC was not at all reassuring. Either way, I just wanted to get out of here.
POW Found
[Originally posted on NightCafe3, August 25, 2024] [100 words]
After being told repeatedly that my prisoner is in another tunnel, I finally found her, much to her joy. But enemies are still at large; we needed to move quickly.
I asked how she was holding up, her response was as such…
“I’m alive,” she said. “But my leg… I can’t walk.”
“That’s a problem, but a simple one. I shall carry you!”
“What!?” she said with embarrassment. “I’m not doubting your strength, big guy. But aren’t there still hostiles?”
I grinned. “I can take care of them with just one hand. Worry not, my lady.”
“O-okay. I trust you.”
Phoenix Salts
[Originally posted on NightCafe4, November 15, 20245] [100 words]
Going Dungeon Crawling? Don’t forget your Phoenix Salts! Revive your KO-ed party members back to consciousness in no time.
DISCLAIMER: Only use Phoenix Salts when absolutely necessary. Phoenix Salts does NOT heal your wounds. Heavy use of Phoenix Salts may disguise serious injuries. After revival, go see a medicine man as soon as possible. Do NOT go further in your dungeon crawling. The Phoenix Salts Guilds Alliance (PSGA) and their merchants are NOT responsible for any deaths or serious injuries of adventurers on account of their abuse of Phoenix Salts.
WARNING: Side effects include headache, loss of smell, and addiction.
It’s All I Had
[Originally posted on Notes, February 8, 2025] [100 words]
“Why did you sell your car? You won’t be able to get around anymore.”
“It’s all I had.”
“What do you mean it’s all you had? Don’t you have any cash? Any bank accounts?”
“I had to pay rent. And those were all I had.”
“Rent? Don’t you have a house?”
“My restaurant went bankrupt, and I was saddled with massive debt. That house was all I had.”
“That’s terrible. What happened to your restaurant?”
“We failed a health inspection. We never recovered from that.”
“How did that happen?”
“They discovered rat in the food. It was all we had.”
The Stakeholder
[Originally posted on Notes, February 18, 2025] [100 words]
They call me the stakeholder. Every protest, every change, every revolution; they serve to benefit the stakeholder.
Yet the stakeholder is generous. You may ride on his coattails. You may benefit from his power. But the stakeholder comes first. There will come a time when the stakeholder abandons you. Do not take it personally, such is the nature of the stakeholder.
Left, right, up, down, center, wherever, the stakeholder’s heart turns upon one thing and one thing only: the stakeholder himself.
So whatever you are plotting out there, remember the stakeholder. Or don’t. The stakeholder wills himself to be hidden.
I do what I want, lol.
See above.
See story #70.
Also see story #70.
Honestly not sure about the exact date since NightCafe don’t keep track of exact dates.