This is the Germanicus Fiction Empire.
My name is Michael and this is my empire of fiction. As a writer of science fiction and fantasy, I firmly believe that genre should not be a straitjacket for the story. So expect weirdness. But also expect heroism, faith, romance, and piety. Also, expect sincerity.
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About the Author
Michael P. Marpaung is an Indonesian and American writer, blogger, amateur photographer, layman, and aspiring polymath. He is a 17th-generation Marpaung and a literal Master of Science - for what that’s worth. He is the author of two published novels:
Germanicus Publishing serves as the locus for his works. Elsewhere in Substack, he writes a personal blog -
. He had also collaborated with the following authors in various projects: , , , and . Click here for his interview with .Beyond Substack, his works had been published by anthology magazine Silence and Starsong and the review site Catholic Game Reviews. To get a complete picture of his works at large, check out his Linktree.
Some Words for my Works…
Germanicus Publishing
at Warrior Wednesday Fourth EditionMichael P. Marpaung is an awesome writer, friendly guy who is very knowledgable and honestly has a super awesome Substack so that one cannot help but admire his dedication to his craft so do subscribe to him.
Inquisitor’s Promise
Michael Marpaung has created a world based on faith and filled with the names of legend.
Joseph White, Amazon Customer Reviewer
One of the few grand space opera themed serials here on Substack. Think Warhammer meets Dune meets Final Fantasy. Check it out!
Sujan Sundareswaran,
Top-notch serialized space opera for sci-fi lovers.
Carlos Carrasco, Novelist
The Holy League Universe
This world is so damn imaginative, really incredible work. Can’t wait to read more.
Redd Oscar,
The Santara Commentaries
This is a story that surprised me as it gripped me from the first word. Michael P. Marpaung showed he definitely knows what he’s doing with a very particular skill and deft hand he guides us into the world of Santara where heroes are true and maidens pure, and harlots not so much and where our Narrator, usually is in the third person his is not.
The Brothers Krynn at Myths & Legends of Substack: 6 Writers Who Have Changed Fiction on Substack
at Reviews from the Based Book SaleMilitary Sci-fi meets Wyvern Riders. Epic and Awesome.
Imagine the tactical military sci-fi of Jerry Pournelle, e.g. in Janissaries. Take that tactical mindset, put it in the mind of an amnesiac protagonist, and have him direct a motley crew of 17th-century soldiers including swordsmen, musketeers, cannon, wyvern cavalry, elemental magic blasters riding pegasi, and more, against an evil empire. Set this all in an alternate history version of the many islands of Indonesia.
Epic? Yes. Awesome? Yes. Wargame-nerd well thought out strategies, tactics, and battles? Definitely in this book.
I had the worry reading through it that the protagonist would have too much plot armor for the military realism to come through. I would say that's not the case. The book goes through its twists and turns, with epic battles, military strategy, and practical politics. And I never saw the ending coming.
Fans of tactical military S.F. and fans of fantasy battles in the style of Lord of the Rings will all find something to love in this book.
The style is that of a Greek or Roman epic - I say that as high praise. It's like reading Herodotus's Histories, but with wyverns and cannons.
Sam Rake,
This is amazing in its depth and breadth! You’ve got deep history, factions, cultures; all playing against each other in the big soup bowl of Santara.
Bima Sakti
Michael Marpaung’s writing [is] very imaginative, critical, clever in combining narration and the approaches of higher criticism while seasoned by modern, actual, and academic literature, and patriotic. Salute, Mic!
Pdt. Dr. Ronny Mandang, Indonesian Pastor
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