The Atominian Dimension (Flash Fiction)
A sci-fi story. Also, a flash fiction contest submission.
Author’s Note: I submitted this for a Silence and Starsong flash fiction contest a while back. It’s been hanging in my hard drive for some time. So I figured I should put this up as a little something for paid subscribers. To know more about the paid perks, click here.
Carter’s Digi-Logs
Log 1
I think I’m screwed.
Before I jumped into the portal, Dr. Jones told me to only spend a short time in this place and return. The sooner the better, he said. Time moves much faster in the Atominian Dimension: a decade here is about a second in the real world.
I would have done as Dr. Jones instructed, but almost as soon as I dropped into this lush new world, I was attacked by monsters, lizardmen, who seemed to have it for human beings. Thankfully, I had my las-pistol with me. I set my weapon to the highest setting and watched as a huge blast of energy engulfed my assailants.
But I was careless. The blast also engulfed the portal, leaving nothing behind. At least I’m still alive. I just need to find a way home.