Merry Christmas! (2024)
The second year of this special holiday for Germanicus Publishing.
Merry Christmas!
Today marks the second Christmas for Germanicus Publishing and my writings as a whole. Things really do move fast. But as I’ve said last year, this isn’t about me, it’s about the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. So I won’t wax poetic about myself.
That said, I have published some things this week which I hope for readers to take a look (assuming you’re all not busy with Christmas festivities).
First is my exploration into the world of 3D printing published in my secondary Substack
. I consider this my dedicated Christmas post for 2024. So do take a look:And if you’re up for a fiction read, I’ve posted my latest UEC Story: The Legion at Cisalpina. It’s not a Christmas story per se, but it does take place on a cold planet (heh).
Enjoy the celebration and the festivities. More importantly, remember that on this day over two thousand years ago, something special happened; and the world was never the same again.
Sincerely, Michael P. Marpaung
Merry Christmas, man!
Merry Christmas, Michael!