Love Your Enemy: A UEC Story (Synopsis and Table of Contents)
A reader's map through the serial.

The United Earth Coalition had just finished their brutal suppression of the Altair Prime Revolt when the Alliance of Planets came out of nowhere to invade Earth Space. Thus began the Lambda War. Once again, the Cisalpine Legion - the UEC’s 13th Independent Military Group - found themselves in a fight on Altair Prime. Their enemy: the Alliance Task Force under Prince Alexios Spektre of Lakamodis.
This clash of civilization would take on a whole new meaning when Sergeant Major Marco Icardi of the Cisalpine Legion completed a successful counter-offensive. The result: a prisoner of war. And not just any prisoner, as the UEC had captured an Alliance medic named Arlena, the sister to Prince Alexios.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Prisoner of War
Part 2: Nuts for Chocolate
Part 3: Earthborn and Lambda
Part 4: Interrogation
Part 5: Love and War
Part 6: Inevitable Struggle
Part 7: Prince of Lakamodis
Part 8: Enemies No More